Xenoblade Compendium

visual identity
Two Xenoblade Compendium books side by side with the special edition box set.

A Fanbook Project

Following the success of Xeno Tarot Project, I was approached by the organizer to be the designer for their next project – an artbook. I agreed, on the condition that the submissions from the artists would be freeform in terms of sizing and/or ideas, so that I have complete freedom on layouts for the book.

The project managed to gather 120 artists worldwide to create various artworks for all of the games in the Xenoblade Chronicles series, each piece capturing characters, stories, as well as places from the games, bound together in a 172 page book.

All of the Xenoblade games share a strong visual of blue skies and green fields as their key visual. At the same time I knew I wanted the main color of the book to be red, as it unifies each of the games, and so did this fan project.

Tying the two with a vibrant blue-green gradient that is strictly used as a multiply over images, and a bright PANTONE Red 032, my vision for the book was set. The red is seen all throughout the book as a highlight for spreads and typography, tying together all the different kinds of artwork created the book.

As part of the project’s process, artists submitted their sketches way before the deadline, which let me draft up the book and experiment with the layouts. Special thanks to the artists who were happy to adjust their artworks for the sake of my layout ideas – it made for a great collaboration and made the drafting stage of the book extremely fun.

A close up of the book sleeve on and sleeve off.The book cover sleeve partly off the book, showing off the semi-transparency of the sleeve.A photograph of the special edition box set.A close up of the book with the sleeve on and a book off.
The beginning and ending spread of the book, side by side.The section divider spreads side by side.A close up of a spread in the book with contrasting artworks.A layout in the book featuring various types of arts on a bright color background and accompanied by typography.A spread in the book featuring two contrasting compositions and typography in the middle.A spread in the book with two matching illustrations.A close up of a spread with various character arts tied together.A close up of a typography element in the book.A spread in the book with character arts on a bright color background and typography.A the closing text at the end of the book, thanking the artists contributing.A close up of the artist spotlight spread in the book.A close up of the index page in the book, featuring all the artist credits.